Sunday, February 22, 2004

I Ain't Yo' Uncle and Whale Rider

Today I watched Arash's show I Ain't Yo' Uncle. It's the characters' of Uncle Tom's Cabin version of the story. Very moving. Very thought-provoking. Very creatively done.

Then after that I watched the movie Whale Rider with my roommate Carina. It was surprisingly good. I've seen it at Blockbuster before, but I didn't know what it was about. The girl in the movie is soo cute and very talented. Good movie.

I missed the Christina Aguilera SNL, but Allan said it wasn't that good. I'm not surprised actually. Most of the SNLs these days are really lame compared to how there were before.

Now I'm watching the VH1 movie on Ike and Tina Turner. Dude.. People who think that beating their wives or children are SICK. It makes me SOOOOO mad.

I'm sleepy now. Going to bed.

Tomorrow I'm going to rehearse with Monday Sessions and then I'm going to the Rock. Does anyone wanna come?

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