Friday, April 02, 2004

It's been a while!

Wow... its been so long since i've posted. I feel like i've done so much and grown so much since i've last written in here. School has been hard for me lately.. especially with all the extracurricular things going on like PCC and our Bible study (now called Banyuhay, meaning basically "New Form of Life"). But nevertheless, God is amazing and continues to work in my life through people and through everyday events.

Let's give an update.

-I'm going to be an RA next year for ERC.
-I'm going to be in PCC playing Mandi Rigma (meaning warrior in Tagalog.. cool!)
-I've got a new booking agent named Christina Luna.
-I went to the Bay for Spring break and spent time with Jayme, Mark, Kuya Allen, the Palarcas, Drey, Anj, and Beng. It was an awesome week.
-The Bible study, Banyuhay is starting up this quarter. YAY!
-My hair is short and its highlighted what was supposed to be red... but looks brownish.
-After a unpleasant wake up call with school and money, I'm being more diligent with all my responsibilities.
-Three friends of mine recently received Christ into their lives: My ading Jeremy, Thomas, and Jerome. PRAISE THE LORD!
-Toni and a whole bunch of other awesome, beautiful talented people put together a concert last month and shared all of Toni's original music.

for pictures on all of these wonderful events, go to:

Right now I want to take some time to tell my Jesus how thankful I am for all that He's doing in my life.

Jesus, my Savior,

I want to praise You for all that You are: Holy, Righteous, Sovereign, Loving, Kind, Gracious, Merciful... i could go on and on. You Abba, Father, are the Creator of this whole world. You created everything that lives and breathes... and somehow, although You're SUPER ALMIGHTY POWERFUL... You love a sinner like me. You love me. AMAZING.

Thank you Lord for your forgiveness that you give me because You died on the cross. I'm sorry and I confess that I have been so busy, too busy, to spend time with You. If I say that I love You... I need to show you and tell you everyday. Please forgive me and help me to show you everyday.

Thank you for the wonderful brothers and sisters you've blessed me with: Nowie, Mark, Miguel... all the wonderful new brothers and sisters at IV -- Ramiro, La Mikia, Althea... all my other wonderful friends from KP who love you-- Daniel, Ray, Jerome... oh i could go on. You continually give me more blessing through these people. And to think that I thought I wouldn't be able to handle being single. It is such a gift and a blessing to be single.. to serve you without limitations. JESUS THANK YOU.

Thank you for all the wonderful opportunities to share how much I love you-- even on the shuttle!

I pray that you would continually use me each day to further your kingdom and reach out to those who might not know you or who just need encouragement. Use Banyuhay for Your glory as well. Show us all how You want to use us. There are too many thoughts in my head to type out-- but Lord you know them. You know my concerns: a woman's role in the church, time management and discipline in school, my unsaved friends, Banyuhay, PCC, discipleship, my family, my personal walk with You...

I give all my burdens and concerns to You. Thank you for Your peace that transcends all understanding.

I love You. I love You Jesus.