Thursday, February 26, 2004

Bah-tons Baby!!

Oh Lord,

You never cease to amaze me. You bless every minute of my day with more joy that only comes from you.

Today, I went to lunch with Ginang Nacu, Mark, Jon and Jade.. that was a pleasant and unexpected event for today. I had a lot of fun and laughed a lot.

I talked to Laura in class... We were talking about dreams and sleep. I laughed a lot.

I saw Laura and Rachel on the shuttle... Rachel's coming to see the Passion. I praise You and thank You for every single person You add to the list. On the way back home, we were talking and laughing. It was great.

Then Mark, Miguel and Bien came over again to practice the Bridge Illustration. I love those people. Thank you for their lives. They make me laugh, they encourage me, they inspire me, and they are all around beautiful people. I enjoy their company and the laughter... and all the wonderful things we share in common... ESPECIALLY YOU!

Then they left... and I called Ivy to help me prepare for my RA interview. She's a wonderful person and really helpful. But more than that, I've found an awesome friend in her. Thank you God. We shared a lot of similar experiences with each other.. and even shed some tears together. I didn't expect to be so blessed.

Jesus... you are so wonderful... I attribute all my joy and all my blessings to You. You are the source of everything good in my life. You are the source of life.

I love You.

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