Wednesday, October 06, 2004


This blog is dedicated to two girls in my life that have really been huge blessings to me -- Anjana (aka Jeefers, G, Anj) and Nowie (aka Bien).

Anjana - Thank you for always loving me despite all my mistakes. Thank you for saying you're happy for me, even when you know that maybe I'm going about my happiness the wrong way. Thank you for being there for me when I realize later that I was wrong... and for not saying, "I told you so." Thank you that whenever we pick up the phone after a while, we can start right back where we left off-- even if its been months. Thank you for being such a blessing and a source of joy in my life. Thank you for all our wonderful memories in high school... and college too. Thank you for all our inside jokes. You trip, I trip, right? I love you!

Nowie - Thank you for being my sister here in San Diego. I prayed really hard my first year that God would send me someone to confide in and be accountable to. Thank you for accepting me in spite of all my weaknesses and faults... and numerous, repeated mistakes. Thank you for all our bonding times late at night when we would get close to no sleep because we were too busy making tsismis. Thank you for praying for me and being concerned about my spiritual walk. Thank you for being my shopping buddy, prayer partner, and boy crazy/hater person with me. Even though sometimes we lose touch... God somehow brings us back again-- and I know that isn't an accident or a coincidence. I love you!

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