Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Sigh... I love you, Lord.


You are amazing. You are awesome. You are beautiful. Your love is... Indescribable.

So much is happening. You're moving in me. I can't even put into words what I'm experiencing.

You've blessed me so much already. You've changed my perspective and my heart. You've transformed my mind. You've given me so much strength.

Yesterday, the meeting with Miguel, Bien, and Mark was so blessed. You were there in our midst. You guided us. You overwhelmed me with your presence. You are going to do something amazing in us and through this Bible study. I know it. You are going to touch so many people with this movie. I have faith.

Today, I talked with Ian for the first time since last Wednesday. It was very good to hear from him and hear all the great things that You're doing in his life. Of course, I had to share what You were doing in mine.. and I couldn't stop talking. I'm so thankful for what you're doing in our lives. I'm thankful that you've allowed us to remain friends. I have faith that you have an AWESOME plan for each of us... something beyond anything we could ever imagine.

I love You. I give my life and my heart to You. I surrender it all to You. I worship You.

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