Saturday, February 21, 2004

PCC begins...

Dear Jesus,

Today was a beautiful blessing. After the mmw quiz, Mark, Ferry and I, walked to the saac lounge to hang out and check out if the roles for pcc had been posted up. Then I saw Laura and she helped me with my hw a WHOLE bunch. Then the roles were posted and I got a part named Mandi Rigma. Oh and I saw ReyRey too... I miss him. We need to catch up. I got to invite him to see the Passion with us. Anyway, Jason came in with his guitar, and I started singing. I was having so much fun. Then Jalyn came and later Jason, her, and I ate dinner together. Thank you for the great eating buddies today. I also got to talk to Abe about stuff and I haven't talked to him in a while. OH and I sang three part harmony with Joe and Abe. It was beautiful!!!

Then after that we went to the meeting at the Cross Cultural Center. That was waaaaaaaaaaaay fun. We played a game, laughed a lot watching the old PCC videos, and shared stories of our experiences with the new people. It made me tear a bit when I thought of Pa. Hi Pa! Miss you!!

Then afterwards, I went to Hed's place (aka Bien's and Dianne's place) and we had a jam session. Hed had a drum set, Jason had his guitar... Teddy was there playing drums too.. I sang a bit and Mark did too. Then after people started leaving... me, Mark, and Miguel started messing around with the guitar and making up songs about each other. That was fun.

So overall I had a beautiful, fun day with great people. You have totally blessed me today and surrounded me with loving friends. Thank you.

As a walked to my apt. alone, though, the loneliness tried to creep back in. This is the hardest part of my day now. No Ian to talk to on the phone at night and sing Tango Mango to me. It's just you and me Jesus. Just the two of us from now on. I'll sing to you this time...

I sing a simple song of love
To my Savior, to my Jesus
I'm grateful for the things you've done
My loving Savior, oh precious Jesus

My heart is glad that you've called me your own
There's no place I'd rather be

Than in your arms of love
In your arms of love
Holding me still
Holding me near
In your arms of love

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