Saturday, February 21, 2004

Do They See Jesus in Me?

Acts 2:42-47 describes some very devoted believers in Christ. Soul described 4 of the main practices that these believers did.

• Teaching: They focused on the gospel—the telling of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. This powerful teaching resulted in disciples who presented a focused, clear message.

• Fellowship: As the believers met at the temple, or in one another’s homes, genuine love and caring was exhibited that had to attract unbelievers. There was a way about them—an identity—that marked the believers.

• Breaking Bread: It’s likely that the meaning of this practice mentioned in Acts 2:42 is the remembrance of the Lord’s Supper. As believers consistently broke bread and took the cup together, their hearts, minds, and wills were brought to the cross for purification and renewed passion.

• Prayer: The believers were following the practice of Jesus. The words poured forth from hearts that were filled with awe at what God was doing in their midst.

These people did this EVERY DAY. I want to be able to do this EVERY DAY so that no one will be able to miss the fact that I believe in Jesus Christ. Through teaching, fellowship, remembering Christ's death through Communion, and prayer, I want others to be able to see Jesus living in me.

Dear Jesus,

You are God. You are holy. You are loving. You are awesome.

I confess to you that I haven't been exemplifying what it means to be a Christian. I'm sorry for hiding you inside my heart and not letting you shine through me. Please forgive me and help me to be the disciple that you called me to be.

Thank you for your Word today and thank you for the example you left for me to follow in Acts 4:42-47. Thank you for a good night's rest last night. I got to sleep almost 12 hours. Thank you for starting my day off with me once again. Thank you for loving me and holding me in your arms last night when I felt alone. Thank you for putting me to sleep when I couldn't go to sleep. Thank you for all the blessings in my life, especially people. Thank you for life itself and the calling you've given me to share Your life with everyone. Thank you for Mel Gibson and his movie. I'm so excited.

I pray Lord that you would help me to be a good disciple, a good servant. Help me to boldly share Your story with people. Help me to fellowship and love others with Your amazing love. I pray that I will always remember that you suffered extreme pain and died on the cross to save me from my sins and to give me eternal life in Heaven. I pray that you give me consistency in spending time with you EVERY DAY. I pray that I would start the day off with you every day. I pray also for the Passion movie. I pray that it will be used as a strong evangelistic tool and that through this movie, millions of people will come to know what you did for us all. I also pray for my friends. For those who know you already as their personal Savior, I pray that you would strengthen their faith and love for You. Help them to grow and to share You with everyone they know. I pray for those of my friends who don't know you as their personal Lord and Savior. Help me to reach out to them by bringing them to church, taking them to see the Passion, and even just talk to them about You. I pray for Ian, that you would strenghten his faith and that you would use him mightily for Your glory. I also pray for my family. I pray that you would make them all strong women of faith and that you would use them to further Your Kingdom.

I love you Jesus.

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