Sunday, July 08, 2007

Sunday, January 07, 2007


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back to school...

i just realized that tomorrow starts the beginning of the end for me. my last quarter at UCSD. i'm not sure whether to be sad or happy.

i have two shows coming up this week. one is the gala called "A Night on Broadway". oh my gosh... I just checked the link and the director posted up a link to a video clip from my audition! what the crap! i guess he really liked it! that's hella trippy... anyway, i have to find a gown to wear to this gala cuz it's a $50/ticket show and it's supposed to be really fancy.

the other show I'm doing is "Love, Grief, and Spelling" with my birthday twin Daniel Gordh. It's a musical revue of all these freakin hard songs. i'm excited... but somehow, really super duper nervous. my whole familia is coming to watch it.

on top of all of that... i'm still desperately trying to find a roomie to replace bien. but it's super hard cuz it's in the middle of the year and hardly anyone is looking to move in the middle of the school year. anyway... it sucks.

this whole past week i haven't worn any makeup or dressed up really... it's been pretty nice. it saves a lot of time, and a lot of stress too. it helps when the person you're around is one of your best friends and doesn't really care what you look like. thank you... you know who you are.

ooooh i went to the grocery store to buy essentials! i have bagels downstairs! i think i'll make one. then i have to get ready to go to church.

before i go... i'll quote a line from the most wonderfullest movie ever made...

"You know Ben, it's too bad Mom didn't call me Hiroshima... Cuz I'm the bomb!!!" - Rose from The Debut.

oooohh.... good times... good times.