Saturday, July 31, 2004

I hate school...

and studying... and finals...

today is my Psyc 163 final. i suck at memorizing. i suck at studying. boo.

i'm stalling... delaying, if you will. i should be studying right now. but i'm not. what a bad student.


Thursday, July 08, 2004

im so hungry i'm shaking

im at miramar college in the computer lab waiting for my stats teacher to get in... im so hungry i'm shaking.

summer school sucks. well not really. i really like my ucsd classes. thac 1 (intro to acting is WONDERFUL) and psyc 163 (abnormal psych) is cool cuz the prof is pretty funny. as for stats here at miramar... the drive sucks... the hours suck... and the hw sucks... i hate it!

boo. ok that's enough complaining. thank you Lord for the privelege to go to school. yay!

tin tin is in town visiting... i've been her guardian for the past few days... i felt bad that she had to go to class with me so i dropped her off with kuya marker today. hopefully she has way more fun than i'll have tonight. on tuesday she hung out with kuya ian... they went to chuck and cheese (as my lola would call it). tomorrow we're going to legoland... what a spoiled child! hahah jk. but she is very much blessed. i just wish she had a sister closer in age to her. like ni had toe and i had cole...

anyway... there's a lot on my mind. i've been going through a hard and lonely time lately. too much to explain. just pray for me if you're reading this. i need to find my everything in Jesus.

sim - its so weird that u texted when i was singing eye steal bee leave. hope your car is doing ok. magals.

im still hungry.. im still shaking... all i've had to eat today is a lunchable.. which used to be so filling! and now i only have cinnamon graham goldfishies... and milanos... sounds good... but not substantial enough to fill me up... it'll hold me over til 9 though. ugh... this 3 hours of stats is NOT fun! please someone make it stop!!

ok i'm whining again. i could be doing my hw right now since i'm so behind... but i'm not. i have two midterms on tuesday and i haven't started studying for either yet. what a slacker. i want to be an actress!!! hahah...

im so random... poverty of content.. that's what this is. haha. im a nerdy psych major.

give me food!